Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Welcome To My Blog!!!

I have had a really great week. First and most importantly, my husband has finished his Masters of Education and his California Credential. I am so very proud of him. He worked so hard and finished the race. Now prayers go out to him for a great and awesome teaching job.

Cheyanne this week, lost her 4th tooth. She is getting to be such a big girl. She is now seven. She will be starting 2nd grade next month.

Matthew has been growing by leaps and bounds. He is 5 now and will be starting Kindergarten next month.

My news for everyone is, I finally get to be a stay-home mommy. I am sooo thrilled beyond words. I get to Home School my children and teach them all the values of life. Most importantly, I get to teach them the Word of God and plant those seeds in them, water them and watch them grow into wonderful children of God. I now get to use all my creativity, that the Lord has blessed me with. Watch and see, I will posting my website on here in the near future. Plus, I will be giving tips and pointers to other Home School moms. I have been in Preschool settings for 10 years, from ages infant to school age.

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations
                                                                                James 1:2