Saturday, November 5, 2016

Long Time...No Post...

Well, for the past 3 years, I had to go back to work. Now, I am back to being a stay at home mom. Cheyanne and Matthew are now 10 and 8. My wonderful husband is working at a great school as a Social Science teacher.Carnegie Schools of Riverside We have 2 wonderful dogs, Nina and Pepper. Early next year, my husband and I will be starting the process of fostering to adopt a infant/child. We ask that you all pray for us as we go down a new path. It will be an exciting adventure.

I am homeschooling my children again, but through Connections Academy. They are doing well and I am learning things too. Cheyanne is now in the 5th grade and Matthew is now in the 3rd grade. They are growing up so fast that I feel like I cannot keep up with them.

I also wanted you all to know that I am now a Plexus Ambassador. This is a wonderful product that helps you loose weight, but it does so much more than that.What are the 3 prevalent health
issues in today's world that the Plexus Triplex combo takes care of:
1. Blood sugar!
2. Gut health!
3. Inflammation!
If you struggle with imbalanced blood sugar, poor gut health, and/or inflammation in your body, Plexus' Triplex combo is for you. This is the combo recommended to family and friends 98% of the time. Why? Because they get to the ROOT of the issue. When that happens you will notice weight loss OR gain, depending on what your body needs! And so many other issues disappear! We have clinical studies to prove this combo works. The Triplex has a 1% return rate, which says a lot. Also you can try it for 60 days or get your money back Plexus believes that their products can help you. Let me help you get yours today!
Let's get healthy from the the inside out!

Well, it is that time of year again the holidays are upon us. I will be giving you trips and tricks to making this season of holidays fun and stress free. As a mom, it can get crazy, but if I loose my focus, my children will loose their focus. I am determined to make every holiday season the best, but NOT stress about it at the same time. I want to take it all in and enjoy the peace that surrounds this time of year.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to School!!

It has been a while since my last post. It has been very busy here lately. I am learning all the ends and outs of being a stay home mommy and wife. Life couldn't get any better!! My wonderful husband has been working for the Ontario-Montclair School District as a sub. We are praying he gets a full-time teaching job soon. God has been so good to him. When the school started up in August he has only missed one day and that was the first day of the school year. He has worked every day since. Praise the Lord!!!o!

The children are going to a public home school based program called California Virtual Academy (CAVA). It is really a great school! They get to meet with their home teacher every quarter. She is really a nice teacher. They do all the work from home and they get to do outings once to three times a month with other students. They had their first field trip this last Thursday and Kripsy Kream Donuts. They were thrilled beyond words. They got to learn how the donuts are made, and got a warm donut for free. Life couldn't get any better for them. 

I am enjoying my time with the children. I love to be able to teach them the things they need to know. Life really couldn't get any better for me! I am so glad that God has opened this door for me. It isn't exactly what I dreamed, but it is everything I hoped it would be. Now, that I am in the "groove" of home school more posts about us and tips and tricks to work with children, housekeeping, recipes, learning, and lots more will be added on here. I hope you enjoy walking into the lives of the Joneses! Now, you can say..."I am keeping up with the Joneses." Lots of love :)

Pretty, Pretty Bows!!!! 
In my spare time (which is very little) I make bows and headbands. I love making them for little girls. I enjoy all the different types for bows I can do. I charge $3-$7 dollars per bow. I pre-make some bows. If there is a style or color you prefer, just let me know. In my next blog, I will be putting my paypal account info on here (to make it easier for you all). 

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."                  Matthew 5:16

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Welcome To My Blog!!!

I have had a really great week. First and most importantly, my husband has finished his Masters of Education and his California Credential. I am so very proud of him. He worked so hard and finished the race. Now prayers go out to him for a great and awesome teaching job.

Cheyanne this week, lost her 4th tooth. She is getting to be such a big girl. She is now seven. She will be starting 2nd grade next month.

Matthew has been growing by leaps and bounds. He is 5 now and will be starting Kindergarten next month.

My news for everyone is, I finally get to be a stay-home mommy. I am sooo thrilled beyond words. I get to Home School my children and teach them all the values of life. Most importantly, I get to teach them the Word of God and plant those seeds in them, water them and watch them grow into wonderful children of God. I now get to use all my creativity, that the Lord has blessed me with. Watch and see, I will posting my website on here in the near future. Plus, I will be giving tips and pointers to other Home School moms. I have been in Preschool settings for 10 years, from ages infant to school age.

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations
                                                                                James 1:2