Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to School!!

It has been a while since my last post. It has been very busy here lately. I am learning all the ends and outs of being a stay home mommy and wife. Life couldn't get any better!! My wonderful husband has been working for the Ontario-Montclair School District as a sub. We are praying he gets a full-time teaching job soon. God has been so good to him. When the school started up in August he has only missed one day and that was the first day of the school year. He has worked every day since. Praise the Lord!!!o!

The children are going to a public home school based program called California Virtual Academy (CAVA). It is really a great school! They get to meet with their home teacher every quarter. She is really a nice teacher. They do all the work from home and they get to do outings once to three times a month with other students. They had their first field trip this last Thursday and Kripsy Kream Donuts. They were thrilled beyond words. They got to learn how the donuts are made, and got a warm donut for free. Life couldn't get any better for them. 

I am enjoying my time with the children. I love to be able to teach them the things they need to know. Life really couldn't get any better for me! I am so glad that God has opened this door for me. It isn't exactly what I dreamed, but it is everything I hoped it would be. Now, that I am in the "groove" of home school more posts about us and tips and tricks to work with children, housekeeping, recipes, learning, and lots more will be added on here. I hope you enjoy walking into the lives of the Joneses! Now, you can say..."I am keeping up with the Joneses." Lots of love :)

Pretty, Pretty Bows!!!! 
In my spare time (which is very little) I make bows and headbands. I love making them for little girls. I enjoy all the different types for bows I can do. I charge $3-$7 dollars per bow. I pre-make some bows. If there is a style or color you prefer, just let me know. In my next blog, I will be putting my paypal account info on here (to make it easier for you all). 

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."                  Matthew 5:16

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